Thursday, December 5, 2013

Let's Learn! - Coins

Today I want to share with you a set of poems to help your little ones learn about coins!  I found this over at Mrs. Cates' Kindergarten blog.

Our youngest just started Kindergarten in September, and we were told they'd be learning about money.  I thought this was perfect as she is a very good reader, and she can review these whenever she wants.

Fold a piece of construction paper in half, any color you would like, and then cut slits down to the middle fold on one side only.  On the inside your child can glue down some crayon rubbings of each coin (front and back!) along with how much they are worth.  I just wrote down the value of each with a marker.

On the front flaps you'll want to glue a picture of the coin and it's name lining up with the inside content.  The poems, which I have typed up and made available for you to download here, are glued to the inside of the flaps.

Our little one got a little carried away with her flipping and ripped the one side.  Nothing a little tape can't fix it!  We also didn't have any quarters on hand to do the rubbings, so it's still on the 'to do' list.

Another shout out to Mrs. Cates' Kindergarten blog for the poems/idea!  Hope you all enjoy!


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